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"Ray Harryhausen - Master of Majicks, Vol. 1", by Mike Hankin. Archive Editions. 2013. Double-page spread of the creation of an animation puppet/model by Randal Dutra, chronicling the making of the Demon "Sardo Numpsa" from the 1986 movie "The Golden Child".


"Strokes of Genius 4 - The Best of Drawing", edited by Rachel Rubin Wolf. North Light Books. 2012. "Arc of Opportunity" juried and reproduced.


"California Light - A Century of Landscapes", by Jean Stern and Molly Siple, Skira Rizzoli Publishers, April 2011.


Moments in Nature - The Worrell Collection of Wildlife Art, Worrell Publishing, 2009. "Snow, Feathers and Fur" painting reproduced.


Wildlife Art Journal, February 2009. An e-magazine/blog feature and interview by Todd Wilkinson on Dutra. Five painting images accompany the interview. Read Interview/Article >>


A Century of Model Animation, by Ray Harryhausen and Tony Dalton, Watson-Guptill Publisher, November 2008. A book by the acknowledged master of model animation combined with live action of the fantasy/sci-fi genre. A survey of this art and its select contributing practitioners chosen by Mr. Harryhausen himself. Randal is profiled in pages 201-204, with accompanying behind-the-scenes photos.


International Artist Magazine, 2007 Oct./Nov. issue, feature article written and illustrated by Randal M. Dutra, "Cross-Discipline Talent."

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Wildlife Art Magazine, 2007 Sept./Oct. issue, feature article, "A Success in Oil, Bronze, and Film."

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Southwest Art Magazine, April 2006, cover and feature article, "Creature Features."

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American Cowboy Magazine, 2006 Sept./Oct. Issue, "Hot Pursuit - Cougar and Mule Deer Buck" painting reproduced as a double-page spread for the article, "Wild at Heart."


Persimmon Hill, 2007 Summer Issue, feature article, "Dutra Recalls Studies at Okanagan Game Farm", pgs. 22-24, illustrated with four paintings. Article based on Dutra's 2007 Prix de West PowerPoint seminar titled: "ROBERT LOUGHEED AND CLARENCE TILLENIUS: Working from Life with the Masters and the Okanagan Game Farm Experience".


Persimmon Hill, 2006 Winter Issue, "Cold Crossing-Grizzly" selected and reproduced.


Persimmon Hill, 2006 Fall Issue, "Autumn Prime-Mule Deer Buck" selected as a full-page introduction image to the "Autumn in the West" painting portfolio of the 2006 Prix de West artists.


Persimmon Hill, 2005 Winter Issue, "Sunnin' - Belgian Draft Horses" selected and reproduced.


Persimmon Hill, 2004 Winter Issue, "Song of the West - Wolf" selected and reproduced.


Persimmon Hill, 2004 Summer Issue. "Nature's Cradle - Fawn" selected and reproduced.


Persimmon Hill, 2003 Winter Issue. "Winter Wonderland" selected and reproduced.


Persimmon Hill, 2003 Fall Issue. "Autumn Black Bear" selected and reproduced.


Wildlife Art Magazine, 2002 Nov./Dec. Issue. "Mouser" and "Winter Mallards" selected and reproduced.


Persimmon Hill, 2002 Winter Issue. "Winter Mallards" selected and reproduced.


Persimmon Hill, 2002 Fall Issue. "Autumn Grizzly" selected and reproduced.


The Best of Wildlife Art 2, North Light Books, 1999. Color reproductions with artist's commentary. Juried participants. "Dust Devil - American Bison Bull" featured.


Wildlife Art, Rockport Publishers, 1999. Color reproductions with artist's commentary. Juried participants. "Gull Rock" featured.


Painting in Many Moods of Light, North Light Books, 1998. Five color reproductions with artist's commentary. A full demo in color with step-by-step instruction. Juried participants.


The Best of Wildlife Art, North Light Books, 1997. Color reproductions with artist's commentary. Juried participants. "In His Domain - Black Bear" featured.

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