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Awards & Honors

  • Society of Animal Artists Award of Excellence

  • 70th Academy Awards Presentation at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, California. Governor's Ball - by invitation only. Academy Award Nominee for Best Achievement in Visual Effects 1997, "Jurassic Park II: The Lost World"

  • Wildlife Art Award - Wildlife Art Magazine, 1995

  • 78th Academy Awards Presentation at the Kodak Theater, Los Angeles, California. Governor's Ball - by invitation only. Academy Award Nominee for Best Achievement in Visual Effects 2005, "War of the Worlds"

Museum Collections

  • National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, Wyoming

  • Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum of Art, Wausau, Wisconsin


  • Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences

  • Founding Member of the Visual Effects Society


  • "Animal Sculpting Workshop" at the Oakland Zoo, Oakland, California. April 1, 2013. San Jose State University art students sculpting African Elephants from life. Twelve top students were screened and chosen by SJSU Art Instructor John Clapp.

  • "Animal Painting and Sculpting" workshop at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2010. Demonstrations, daily Power Point presentations, and one-on-one instruction. This class had dual disciplines working side-by-side, sharing and comparing insights to inform and strengthen the students' talents.

  • "Animal Sculpture" workshop at the Academy of Art College, San Francisco, California, 1995. Students worked from a live model, in addition to daily presentations on anatomy structure, movement, character, and a survey of the animal in art - demos, slides, video, and slow-motion photography were employed. First such course offered by the Academy.


  • “Prix de West Invitational Fine Art Exhibition and Sale.” National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Prix de West Seminar: “Rarified Atmospheres: George Carlson and Steve Kestrel – In Conversation with Randal M. Dutra”. Live interviews on stage covering the careers of two Master artists. June, 2020.

  • “Prix de West Invitational Fine Art Exhibition and Sale.” National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Randal M. Dutra Moderator/Interviewer for "Immigrant Artists”. Panelists: Francois Koch, Mian Situ and Kent Ullberg.  June, 2018.

  • Panelist for reviewing and critiquing San Jose State University Bachelor of Fine Arts Undergraduate “Thesis” film and gaming projects. By invitation of Professor John Clapp and SJSU Animation/Illustration Faculty. September 23, 2016.

  • Presentation of Fine Arts, Cinema and Animation to University of California Berkeley Grad Students and Faculty of Paleontology and Zoology. By invitation of Kevin Padian, Professor and Curator, UC Department of Integrative Biology and Museum of Paleontology. September 6, 2016.

  • 20th Anniversary of "Jurassic Park": A Reunion of the Key Creatives hosted by the Visual Effects Society. April 28, 2013, at Industrial Light and Magic (ILM), San Francisco, California. A screening of the newly released 3-D conversion followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience. Panel members: Dennis Muren, Steve Williams, Randal Dutra, Phil Tippett, and Stefen Fangmeier.

  • "An Evening of Conversation with Randal Dutra and Interviewer Jan Wahl: Fine Art and Visual Effects in Cinema". October 8, 2012 at the Castro Valley Fine Arts Theater, CA. A live two-hour presentation on stage accompanied by Powerpoint and film clips. First half covered Dutra's artistic development and Fine Art studies. Second half concentrated solely on his cinematic/film career in the Special Visual Effects Business.

  • "The Making of Jurassic Park".  April 21, 2012. Live presentation with Powerpoint and film clips given at the Tellus Museum of Science in Cartersville, GA. Q and A with audience.

  • "My Life in Art".  April 19, 2012. Live presentation with Powerpoint given at the Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, GA. Q and A with audience.

  • Invited as a speaker to present at Prix de West 2007 ---Oklahoma's state centennial--- a PowerPoint seminar titled: "ROBERT LOUGHEED AND CLARENCE TILLENIUS: Working from Life with the Masters and the Okanagan Game Farm Experience". June 9, 2007.


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